{ Tammy | Portraits }

I am a firm believer in dreams. I believe that if you can imagine something in your mind, you can make it come to fruition. That if you want something with every ounce of your being, you can dream it into a reality. This was the mantra I repeated to myself when I began purusing wedding photography. I repeated it religiously as I picked up my first camera and clumsily fumbled through the controls and cursed my less-than-perfect photos. I reiterated it when I emailed photographers to second-shoot and received a less-than-ideal response. As I excitedly set up my business email only to log in to a less-than-full inbox – for the first few months, I wanted to shake my first at the sky and whine at the world, but I kept the encouraging words in the back of my mind. If you can dream it, you can make it so.

I love meeting people who are following their own dreams, so when Tammy contacted me with her story I was so excited to work with her! She wanted to move from her self-proclaimed “normal desk job” into a career in sports broadcasting and needed some headshots for the occasion. We fittingly did the session at the Walt Disney Concert Hall (what better location than a hall named after such a famous dreamer?), and as we shot I asked her about her goals and aspirations. Her passion shone through as she talked about her love for sports and her highest hopes for the future. Tammy – thank you for sharing a piece of your story with me and best of luck in pursuing your dreams! :)

The metallic walls of the concert hall are stunning, but I was so enamored by the garden! The lush greenery (complete with the most unique colorful flowers) was such a nice contrast to the mod silver walls!

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12 Responses to “{ Tammy | Portraits }”

  1. Joan Solitario Says:

    I’ll make a note for you to shoot me one day ;o)! Great job Adrienne!!

  2. my. Says:

    These are absolutely beautiful, Adrienne! The third from the last with her holding the football is just yummilicious! Great job, girl!

  3. cindy Says:

    tammy’s beautiful and you made her even prettier with all the right light and angles. yay tammy and adrienne!!

  4. Tammy Says:

    I feel like I’m the last to see these! Hah! These are great; I can’t wait to see the rest!

  5. Kimberly Chiu Says:

    These are fabulous Adrienne! She looks great in EVERY shot! It will be hard for her to choose one to use!

  6. connieMchung Says:

    these are adorable. you did such an awesome job. :) each image looks so fresh and breezy.

  7. Stephen Grant Says:

    I love the energy and life in these. So much of her personality is shining through! Love me especially the images of her reclining on the wall :)

  8. charlie Says:


  9. ohana photographers - david & kimi Says:

    loooove the ones with the football adrienne!!! love!

  10. Archie Says:

    adrienne! these are so great! if i ever need photos i am so going to call you. =D

  11. kymberli q. Says:

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…especially the ones with the pink bra…those are adorable!!

  12. Wayan Suadnyana Says:

    Great photo blog. very organise and with beatiful picture

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