{ elisa + andrew | french estate wedding }
I love intimate, cozy, charming weddings like these. It helps to have a lovely little venue {the French Estate steals my heart every time!} but so much of it is in the subtle details – a set of “LOVE” keys gifted to Elisa by her sister, tea canisters as vases, scattered literary favorites, a display of childhood photos – everything homey, thoughful, and meaningful to Elisa and Andrew. Some sweet additions – in lieu of a cake they had a churro bar (with ice cream!), and they lovingly handcrafted heart-shaped rice krispy treats one by one, as a favor for each of their guests.
And the joy! Can you feel the joy? It was all around :)
A special thank you to William Kim for shooting with me, and Uyen of Sassy Girl Weddings for being beyond awesome as always and making our jobs so so easy. Seriously that girl has the magic touch, every wedding she coordinates flows beautifully without a hitch!