There was a time, about 6 years ago, where I sat quietly in front of my computer, staring at photos of camera equipment online, shortly after coming to the decision that I wanted to become a wedding photographer. I had no idea how I’d do it, and barely even the slightest idea of the first step to take, but I knew for the first time in my life I had an inkling of a career path, and that I wanted this so so badly, with every fiber of my being.
And my how 6 years flies. A little fact: I’ve found that in the past 6 years, I find myself from time to time {to new friends, acquaintances} explaining to people what I do and what my job entails, and in the process, I sometimes convey that it’s not all fun and games, and pretty centerpieces, and bouquets of peonies, and romantic pastel sunsets all the time. That I work real hard, and that a lot of the time it’s 1am editing sessions, and 60 hour work weeks, and running to the post office 5 minutes before it closes, and scarfing down my lunch with one hand while the other goes through emails. That it’s fretting over marketing and branding and spreadsheets {photographers use spreadsheets!} and paperwork. That it’s finding it difficult not to take small criticisms or things not going my way personally, even though it should technically be all business, because this whole thing is my heart and soul. That it’s wearing 400 different hats, and it’s a lot of discipline, and responsibility, and at times, just plain ole stress.
But in reality? When I really think about it, who am I kidding? Because the reality of it is, it really is all fun and games. The truth of it is, I get to be a part of someone’s most special day ever, people who are celebrating finding their soulmate, their other half, surrounded by family and friends, in a wonderful place, and I’m honored with the task of helping it be remembered, every last piece of it. This job is about joy. It is about beauty. It is about tears and hugs and moments. And to top it all off, I get to meet these amazing people along the way. Every year I somehow get connected with a couple dozen couples who just happen to be some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Who simply radiate fun and graciousness and warmth. Who support and encourage me endlessly. Who send me thank you notes filled corner to corner with words that bring me to tears. Who make my heart ache with their kindness and thankfulness to me, when I am so thankful for them, I am so indebted to them, for allowing me to live my dream. For inviting me into their lives and treating me like an old friend. How can you repay someone for a gift like that?
So for this new year, I’ve decided to remind myself that no matter how many years I do this, I will not forget this. I will not forget the nervous girl who sat at her computer 6 years ago and would have given almost anything to be the girl sitting here now. I will not forget the first clients who trusted me in 2008, and the ones who continue to trust me today. I will be thankful, thankful, thankful, because that’s all I should be.
I’ve included some of my favorite captured moments from the year below. Thank you so much to my family & friends and most of all to my amazing clients, for another blessed and inspiring year.