{ clair + paul | oviatt penthouse wedding }
I do my best to blog most of what I shoot, but I sadly find there are busy times when it’s impossible to post everything, especially since my priority is always to deliver the images to my clients on time :) This is one of those such cases – a most beautiful wedding that somehow never saw the blog-light of day. I happened across these images the other day and seriously couldn’t believe I had never shared them! A vintage-inspired wedding set perfectly against the backdrop of the historical Oviatt Penthouse & Cicada Restaurant in downtown, adorned with art deco accents. A fabulously stylish couple. Sweet personal touches like a brisk swing dance in place of a more traditional first dance, and a painting (see the final photo!) created by the bride’s sister that was displayed at the reception and adorned their programs.
The portraits we did on the rooftop of the building are perhaps some of my most favorite portraits to this day. Thank you for taking a peek into this wedding that I’ve been wanting to share from the moment I photographed it :)
(I believe this was also the first wedding I worked with Shana and Kelly Zhang, both amazing girls & wedding professionals I’ve since formed friendships with and had the opportunity to work with lots :) )