{ traveling hearts | santa cruz 2011 }
Yet another adventure with the Traveling Hearts!
You may remember our previous trips to Palm Springs and Big Bear – this time we met up in breezy Santa Cruz for the usual shooting, laughing, cooking, eating, drinking, interspersed with local activities like beach visits, roller coaster rides, the Mystery Spot, and lots of hanging out on our sunny little deck.
It’s no secret that I love these ladies to pieces. They are smart and sweet and warm and ambitious and hilarious and as evidenced in the photos below – stunningly beautiful both inside and out :)
As always, I’ll start it all off with our stopmotion video – put together brilliantly by Mary!
STOPtheMOTION Fridays!: Take 43! Traveling Heart Style! from Floataway Studios on Vimeo.
A behind the scenes shot.
Ending it with a couple group photos, the first taken by Ala (“be bridesmaids!!”) and the second set up by Heather. Already can’t wait until our next trip!!